Summertime – Plan Your Goals – NOW.

When do you plan your goals? Are you using this method to achieve your goals faster?

A tip for your summer vacation.

Every business is based on planning ahead.
The most effective people I know, plan ahead – at least once a year – best quarterly.
The best time to plan your goals is when you are in an emotionally positive state. This is during the summer vacation for most people.

Take time to plan for YOUR time ahead.

Why: Personal growth is one of the strongest drivers for inner satisfaction. Your success in business strongly depends on your personal growth. Doing the same things over and over again will not get you anywhere. Too often we give all our attention to business and forget about ourselves. This leaves us dissatisfied on a personal level.
Success in life does depend on what you want to achieve. Personal growth will only happen once we follow a plan.

AND: it doesn’t take long. If done right, 30 to 60 minutes will do. Afterward, you feel better and most of your new goals will become reality.

How to plan your goals:

Also watch one of the previous videos on “Goal Setting”.

1. Overview
Create two lists.
– What went well last year. It is important that you acknowledge and appreciate your successes.
– Areas I want to improve: without knowing this, nothing will change.

2. New goals in these categories.

Personal Goals: what do you want to achieve on a personal level? What do you want to learn?

Business Goals: What do you want to achieve in your business? Which new challenges will you take on?

Family, Friends, Health: What do you want to do with your family and friends? How much time do you want to spend? What are your health goals? Remember this: no health – no success – no life in the long run.

Financial Goals: This is an import item, which is often forgotten. When you become clear about this – satisfaction will follow.
How much will you save? What income? All things you like to own!

3. The Plan
Select your most important goals and specify the next steps on how to achieve your goals.
Do this for all your most important items on your lists.

4. Take Action
Review your lists and actions on every Friday. Check what you have done to get closer to your goals. Add new action points to move on.

Enjoy your summer & create your success


PS. I’m doing this for 10 years, twice a year. On my birthday and at Christmas time. Nearly everything that I put on my lists became reality without working too hard for it. The real power of having a plan is your subconscious. It will guide you step by step towards your goals. Your subconscious wants you to succeed. You can do this. It doesn’t take much.